Quick Prototyping Parts on Demand


Use of 3D Printing for Prototype Revisions

We know that perfecting a design can be a trial and error process. At PolyX3D, we are able to provide a rapid turnaround for your prototyping needs. 

Prototyping With a Purpose?

Unlike expensive, traditional manufacturing, our prototyping process can create various iterations of your product to be tested and refined at a fraction of the cost. We also see a significant decrease in the amount of time needed to design, test, and refine your products.

Industries that rely on 3D printing technology:

VX Elements: Scanning Software

With real-time visualization capabilities, VX elements software allows us to see a preview of the object as it is being scanned.

VX Modeling: Scan-to-CAD Software

This simple but powerful software provides the fastest path from 3D scans to the computer-aided design.

Handyscan 307: 3D Measurement Technology

We capture high-quality measuring data at an unmatched speed. The resolution and effectiveness of this software guarantees impeccable results.